Paraview Python Script for Data Extraction from OpenFOAM cases on a Remote Server: An Example import the simple module from the paraview
from paraview.simple import *
#### disable automatic camera reset on 'Show'
# create a ne...
Bash Script for Directory Clean, Decomposition, and Reconstruction in OpenFOAM
cd ${0%/*} || exit 1
rm -rf processor* 0 post*
foamListTimes -rm
cp -ap 0
mpirun -np 16 potentialFoam -parallel
mpirun -np 16 simpleFoam -parallel
2D Meshing using snappyHexMesh and extrudeMesh
Find the tutorialsthe key process is extrudeMesh, which extrudes one patch for a certain distance after the 3D mesh is generated. So look for the extrudeMeshDict files in the $FOAM_TUTORIALS folder...
Check the Grid Resolution in the Outer Region of Fluid Flow in ParaView
The yPlus value is an important index to consider when choosing the grid size for the near-wall region. How about the outer region?The Rule-of-Thumb EstimationThere is a rule-of-thumb estimation fo...
How to Define Time-Varying Boundary Conditions in OpenFOAM
The velocity varying with time can be represented as$$U = As\sin({2\pi{}t}) + l$$inlet_u
type uniformFixedValue;
uniformValue sine;